We are grateful to all the individuals, groups, organizations, and businesses that extend their time to better St. Joseph’s School every day. Discern your call, your talent, and your interest - we would love to work with you!
* St. Joseph’s School takes very seriously the safety and well-being of students. All volunteers are required to complete the Diocese of Crookston Safe Environment Certification annually.
Whether you are a “Foster Grandma” or a parent looking to lend a hand in the classroom, we have a place for you!
Our busy school is constantly hosting events or activities; from a formal Gala to liturgical events, we are always looking for event hosts and support staff.
Parent-Teacher Activities Committee is our active parent committee that leads the charge with creating a culture of inclusivity and love throughout the building. Join this fun and creative group on the 1st Tuesday of the month! Meetings are typically held at 6:30 p.m. at a location TBD. By getting involved with PTAC, you stay informed, engage with teachers and administrators, connect with other parents, support student activities and programs, volunteer to benefit our kids and make our school better!
We look forward to working with you! For more information or to be part of a great place to give your time and talent, please give us a call at 218-233-0553!
7:20am - 3:00pm
1005 2nd Ave. S.